City of Austin Stage 2 Watering Restrictions Summary

  • Automatic irrigation and hose-end watering is restricted to one day per week.
  • Automatic irrigation runtime is reduced by 3 hours with cutoff at 5 a.m. instead of 8 a.m.
  • Water waste is prohibited.
  • Restaurants may serve water only upon request.
  • Charity car washes are prohibited, and home car washing must use an auto-shut-off valve or a bucket.
  • Patio misters at commercial properties, including restaurants and bars, may operate only between 4 p.m. and midnight.
  • Large ornamental fountains can no longer be operated.
  • New landscape-establishment irrigation is no longer exempt from the watering schedule.
The following are allowed at any time on any day of the week:
  • Watering with drip irrigation, a hand-held hose or a refillable container
  • Watering trees with a Treegator®, soaker hose or automatic tree bubbler
  • Watering vegetable gardens with a soaker hose
  • To protect the health, safety, or welfare of the public
  • Using reclaimed or auxiliary water
  • Irrigating athletic fields
  • Watering plant material at a commercial nursery
  • Watering in or commercially applied herbicide or pesticide