Event: Our own Circle C Ranch Second Annual “Plogging” (jogging while picking up litter) and “Plalking” (walking while picking up litter) event! Come prepared to walk or run in our neighborhood! It is the perfect family event, and it is free! Bring the kids so they can learn and know that it is our job to take care of our planet.
Who: All Circle C Families and Community Members
Date: Saturday, April 12, 2025
Location: Circle C Community Center, 7817 La Crosse Ave., Austin, TX 78739
Time: 8:30am – 10:30am
Goal: Pick up as much litter as possible within an hour’s time. We will hold a raffle for prizes and certificates at the end of the event. Family oriented prizes include: a $100.00 Visa gift card to be awarded to the family/person who collects the most litter!
Registration is free. Each family or group will receive one/two trash bags and gloves to protect their hands. If school age students are involved, each group must have a supervising adult. Groups will not be allowed to enter the greenbelt without an adult. Prizes will be awarded for different age groups and abilities. Bananas and health bars from H-E-B will be served at the end of the event!
Come join us and let us make our Circle C neighborhood spotless!