Room Wanted for Rent

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Contact YoussefMostafa
More Information


This is Youssef, I'm graduate student interning at tech company for the next couple of months. I was living with a friend here at Circle C, but my friend is moving away. I would love to stay here as I really like the neighborhood and it's close to where I work. That's why I'm looking for a room to rent. Here is a little bit about me:

- I work as Data engineer and I
- I'm out of the house most of the time, either working, hiking, or hanging out with friends
- I mostly eat out, sometimes I cook or prep meals once for the whole week
- I'm very quite when I'm at the house. I rarely have guests over, they are quite too haha
- I enjoy outdoor activities hiking, camping, swimming, tennis. I also like volunteer, puzzles, sudoku and movies.

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