Residents are encouraged to participate in a special vote to address short-term rentals, or STR’s, and amend the Circle C Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&R’s) that were written in 1988.  Specifically, the proposed amendment is to add a new section (Article V, Section 10) to the CC&R’s, which will address the short-term leasing of homes within Circle C.  Several members of the community voiced their issues and concerns and the Board has done its due diligence by drafting an amendment for the residents to cast their vote.  Towards the end of the month, you will be receiving a special notice and ballot with your own unique voting ID.  Voting via mail and online using your unique ID will be open October 1st and close November 15th.  A “yes” vote is for the amendment to go into effect, prohibiting short-term rentals in Circle C.  A “no” vote is for the amendment to not go into effect, meaning the CC&R’s (which currently do not prohibit short-term rentals) will not be changed.  Additionally, every vote that is a non-vote is considered a vote for “no”.  Pease carefully review the document and case your vote before the last day.